Posts Tagged ‘roe v. wade’

Isn’t Abortion A Right?

March 27, 2008

Shouldn’t a woman have the right to her own body, to do with it what she pleases? If she wants to have an abortion, is it not her own body? God gave us all free will, who are we to take it away from her?

If she wants to have an abortion, or walk around town nude, or punch someone in the face, who are we to stop her? And all 3 cases are indeed equivalent, because the right made use of is the right to infringe upon the rights of others. Shouldn’t a person’s right to throw a punch stop where another’s nose begins?

Is a person’s right over his or her own body so absolute that it takes precedence over the right to life, or the right to not be visually or physically assaulted in public? Of course our society recognizes that once a person’s ‘rights’ take away from the rights of others, there should be limits placed.

A society that condones murder, adultery, rape, and pornography publicly accessible to children is providing all the wrong rights to all the wrong people. What about the rights of the children, the spouses, the rape victims?

America has a long history of treating classes of its citizens as subhuman, from the Native American ‘savages’ whose lands were stolen, to African-American slaves whose value was determined by the ‘Three-Fifths Rule’; from Hispanic-American citizens forcibly deported during the Great Depression to free up jobs for Caucasians, to Japanese-Americans placed in internment camps during WWII.

Today’s leading abortionists do not understand these principles, as evidenced by their support for Partial Birth Abortion, which presidential candidate Barack Obama has consistently supported both with his words and his voting record. Under the law prior to 2007, children could be born alive after such late-term abortions and left to starve to death on hospital beds.

Abortion is not just about the ‘right’ to kill unborn children, but to kill ones outside the womb as well! Although a bill outlawing this horrible practice was passed in 2003, the courts refused to uphold it while abortionists fought furiously against it. Why? Why promote the killing of newly born children? Their priorities are ones of selfishness, and not the moral ones they claim.

Some will ask, “But what about cases of rape or the mother’s life being in danger? Shouldn’t abortion be allowed then?” However, such cases are rare and even before Roe v. Wade abortions were permitted under such circumstances. When the mother’s life is in danger from the pregnancy, it is her right to life that is at stake also; so in such an instance, she should be given the option to abort.